May 2023
Here some highlights regarding the core scientific discovery behind 3N Bio technology (Huch, Nersisyan, et al. Nature microbiology 2023).
- Karolinska Institutet: New method reveals bacterial reaction to antibiotics in five minutes
- SciLifeLab: Novel Sequencing technology to study bacterial response to antibiotics
- Svenska Dagbladet: KI vill ta fram snabbtest för antibiotikaresistens
- Sveriges radio: Ny metod kan minska antibiotikaresistens
- Life Sciences Sweden: Test ska visa om antibiotika fungerar
- Ny metod kan snabbt visa om antibiotikan biter
- Lakemedels Världen: KI-forskare utvecklar verktyg som mäter bakteriers antibiotikaresistens
- Ny metod visar på fem minuter om bakterier svarar på antibiotika
- Min Medicine: Ny metod visar på fem minuter om bakterier svarar på antibiotika
- Nordic Life Science News: New method reveals bacterial reaction to antibiotics in 5 minutes
- Svenska Kemisamfundet: Interview: They are developing a quick test for antibiotic resistance
- GenomeWeb: Messenger RNA Decay Patterns Compiled in Bacterial Atlas
- AZO Life Sciences: Molecular Method Reveals Whether or Not Bacteria Respond to Antibiotics Within Minutes
- Mirage News: Bacterial Reaction to Antibiotics Detected in 5 Minutes with New Method
- Разработан пятиминутный тест на эффективность антибиотика против бактерии
- Tech Exploits: New molecular method speeds up detection of antibiotic resistance
- EurekAlert!: New method reveals bacterial reaction to antibiotics in five minutes
- RNA-Seq Blog: New RNA sequencing method reveals bacterial reaction to antibiotics in five minutes
- Tii生命科学:抗生物質に対する細菌の反応を5分で明らかにする新手法を開発
- Healthcare in Europe: New method rapidly reveals antibiotic resistance
- PHYS.ORG: New testing method detects whether bacteria respond to antibiotics in five minutes
- NEWS.AM: Lilit Nersisyan, colleagues’ new method reveals antibiotic response to bacteria in 5 minutes